For overnight accommodations, please contact the Amway Grand Plaza directly and reference the QAD Midwest User Group conference to secure your room at the discounted conference rate of $184/night (sgl/dbl). Phone: (616) 774-2000 | RESERVE YOUR ROOM ONLINE Be sure to make your sleeping room reservation before the cut-off date of August 22nd. After that date, rooms in the MWUG block will be released for general sale and may not be available to conference attendees. QAD PLATINUM TRACK
Back by popular demand! QAD's Platinum Track will span over two days – offering private meetings with the QAD Executive Team, followed by a Platinum Dinner on Monday @ 7pm. Please contact Kelsey Goodwin at for details. |

5:00pm Vendor Fair Set-Up / Registration Opens
Chicken Soup for the QAD Soul: Browses SCOTT DULECKI - Autokiniton Just like chicken soup was my grandmother’s answer to whatever ailed you, browses can fix just about anything in your QAD world. In this session, Scott is going to show how to build and use browses to address almost everything: finding information in QAD, building workbenches to show related information, creating dashboards to highlight useful information, and more! And it all starts with a simple browse. |

8:00 am Registration / Vendor Fair Opens / Buffet Breakfast
9:00 am Welcome & Program Overview / Sponsor Introductions
9:00 am Welcome & Program Overview / Sponsor Introductions
Fast Track Your ERP O3 Transition: Actionable Steps You Can Take Now
Fast Track Your ERP O3 Transition: Actionable Steps You Can Take Now
This session will provide attendees with an overview of the knowledge and strategies necessary to successfully transition to ERP O3. Key topics include: QAD Industrial Transformation Platform (ITP),
QAD’s vision & foundation for the Adaptive Enterprise, Navigating your path to ERP O3 with ERP Version-specific roadmap options for transitioning, Recommended approaches and methodologies
Dos and Don'ts of the O3 platform and additional reference resources. This session is essential for organizations planning or considering an upgrade to ERP O3. It offers actionable strategies and insights to ensure a successful and efficient transition.
QAD’s vision & foundation for the Adaptive Enterprise, Navigating your path to ERP O3 with ERP Version-specific roadmap options for transitioning, Recommended approaches and methodologies
Dos and Don'ts of the O3 platform and additional reference resources. This session is essential for organizations planning or considering an upgrade to ERP O3. It offers actionable strategies and insights to ensure a successful and efficient transition.
11:00 am
Break / Visit the Exhibits
11:30 am
Cyber Attacks: How to Protect Your QAD Data NECTAR DALOGLOU - OmegaServe Attacks in the US are up over 50% and threats like Pipedream are targeting critical operations. If you think you can rely on your IT department's efforts alone to keep your QAD environments safe, think again. Cyber attackers are getting more sophisticated and are targeting US manufactures. In this presentation, Nectar will discuss the specific ways you can protect your Progress & QAD environments from cyber attacks. Topics discussed include: Data Encryption (Data At Rest, Data In Motion) and Disaster Recovery best practices. Applicable QAD Version(s): Any |
QAD Cloud Conversion Success: IMRIS/Deerfield Imaging APRIL BARDSLEY IMRIS / Deerfield Imaging AMANDA GOODSON Strategic Information Group Join us for an insightful presentation as we share IMRIS/Deerfield Imaging’s journey through a QAD cloud conversion and upgrade. Explore IMRIS's technological evolution, understand their strategic move to the cloud, and discover their collaboration with Strategic. Gain valuable insights from April as she shares lessons learned from this successful project, and hear from Amanda about how choosing Strategic as your upgrade or conversion partner can drive project and business success. Applicable QAD Version(s): EE |
FMEA and APQP with EQMS: A Game Changer for TS Tech DAVID RENDEL - Strategic Information Group ORION OFFORD - TS Tech Americas Hear how QAD's eQMS is helping all Automotive Manufacturers improve APQP, and specifically how TS Tech was able to drive huge gains in efficiency with this process going from weeks to days. |
Cyberscience Customer Case Study: Con-Air Filtration Group TOM OLDHAM - Cyberscience TONYA KENNEDY - Con-Air Filtration Group My company is new to QAD and what are my options for Business Analytics? Find out what Con-Air Filtration Group did to evaluate their options and how Cyberquery was chosen to be their preferred B.I. tool set. Also, find out the issues that were overcome and the new reporting that was put in place. Replacing manual daily reports with Cyberquery scheduled scorecards and dashboards was one of the solutions. Cyberquery is a full B.I. system consisting of Automated Scheduling, Easy Web Access to Reports, a fully functional Report and Dashboard Builder, a Report Library, a QAD complete Data Dictionary with Relationships and expert knowledge of all versions of QAD. No B.I. vendor knows QAD as well as Cyberscience. Applicable QAD Version(s): Any |
12:30 pm
1:30 pm |
LUNCHEON / Vendor Introductions
Break / Visit the Exhibits |
2:00 pm
How to Improve Your Customer Supply Chain Scorecard Internally and Externally JOHN VAN NORMAN Teijin Automotive PAUL KENNEDY Strategic Information Group Supply Chains have intrinsic and extrinsic costs that can account for a significant element of a company’s profitability. Learn how Teijin Automotive Technologies has leveraged QAD and Strategic’s solutions to help improve their overall Supply Chain Execution. Do you want to improve your supply chain visibility as well as your customer and supplier delivery performance. Applicable QAD Version(s): EE |
Procure to Pay and Supplier Onboarding Solutions for QAD Users ANDREW WEINSTEIN - ISS Group HELENA PARKER - Detroit Chassis Improve your Procure to Pay (P2P) processes by expanding beyond the traditional P2P functionality. Come learn how QAD User Detroit Chassis has streamlined their Procurement and Payment processes, satisfied their Supplier Onboarding Risk Management requirements, and addressed the challenges they were facing with their prior P2P applications by implementing the ISS Group expanded P2P Solution. A demonstration of the ISSG Supplier Onboarding Solution will also be provided. Applicable QAD Version(s): Any |
Foundational FMEA Using Software is Now Possible BRIAN BROOKS - QAD, Inc. ANDREW AMSTUTZ - Autokiniton In this session, hear how Autokiniton built a foundational FMEA using software to not only drive standardization, efficiency, and effectiveness of FMEA, but also comply with Ford's new CSR to do so. Applicable QAD Version(s): SE+ |
QAD Advanced Warehousing Solution STEVE LUDWIG - Logan Consulting Growing warehouse management demand or new to QAD and not sure if QAD Advanced Warehousing is right for your business? In this session we will cover topics to help you think about the business case, warehouse structure, future growth, as well as data architecture that will best suit your QAD warehousing needs. Applicable QAD Version(s): EE |
3:00 pm
Break / Visit the Exhibits
3:30 pm
Gain Visibility into Spend with QAD's Recommended AP Automation Solution STEPHEN ROSENTHAL - DocLib Learn how to automate AP in QAD without any custom programming or QAD customizations. Better visualize the entire AP process and manage the AP process by exception and leverage the expertise of your team on value added work in AP. Applicable QAD Version(s): SE / EE |
QAD PE Shopfloor Live JON SMITH | ANDREA HAINES Lacks Enterprises This session will explain the journey of implementing Production Execution Shopfloor at an Automotive Tier 1 business with 20 plus facilities combining data from EE, AS and QMS into a common frontend solution. We will detail various integration steps for areas including production reporting, barcode labeling, packaging, QMS, AS, machine interfaces and more. (for version EE) Applicable QAD Version(s): EE |
EQMS Post Go Live Enhancements and Ways to Improve the User Experience LUKE FOGARTY | MIKE RAMAK - Adaptivity This session will teach users the basics of creating Filters, Layouts, Metrics and Dashboards. In addition, we will describe Admin Tools functionality such as how to make adjustments to User Security, create new fields and how to utilize the Database Management functionality. |
Future-Proofing Your Road to QAD ERP O3 TIM RABAUT Strategic Information Group Are you wondering what the road looks like to QAD’s Latest Cloud SaaS offering, QAD ERP O3? Join Strategic Information Group and learn how to future-proof your investment. Learn why O3 will be worth the investment and why getting prepared now will set you up for success. The QAD ERP O3 architecture is changing and for the better. Do you have a large amount of custom programs and integrations? Learn how to analyze these customizations and develop strategies for eliminating them completely. |
4:30 pm
7:30 am Vendor Fair Opens / Buffet Breakfast
8:30 am
Customer Success/Technical: Modernizing Integration Platform with QAD and Boomi ANDREW AMSTUTZ - Autokiniton GARY YANG - Roundview Technologies Autokiniton had a legacy SharePoint/ Biztalk Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) integration platform that could no longer be supported but was critical for transactions from MES to QAD ERP and other internal integrations. This session will explore how Roundview helped Autokiniton design and developed a modern integration platform with Boomi, Eagle CTP and the Roundview Integration Portal. Applicable QAD Version(s): Any |
AUX Implementation Case Study: Under Budget & Ahead of Schedule DAVID KWO - Logan Consulting JEN MATZ | CHRIS ROBERSON Sparks Belting In July of 2023, Sparks Belting and Logan Consulting began an implementation of QAD’s AERP. As a result of the realistic expectations set, the senior leadership provided and the commitment of both teams, Sparks Belting went live one month early while coming in under budget. Please join us for this presentation to learn how this was accomplished as well as the lessons learned from this journey. Applicable QAD Version(s): AUX |
Quality Features: Basic to Full Featured BOBBY YEOMANS - Adaptivity The QAD system provides quality control of inventory from basic to full featured. In this session we will review three methods you can use to control inventory from receiving to shipping. We will start with basic features included in every version of QAD, item status and inventory status. We will then review item attributes and quality orders to determine if inventory is conforming or non-conforming and how to produce a certificate of analysis. Lastly, we will touch on the eQMS modules and its full featured capabilities. |
Progress OE Consulting Services for QAD JIM MILES | DAVID BEST - Progress This session will highlight certified services from Progress Professional Services to Monitor, Integrate and Extend your QAD Application. |
9:30 am
Break / Visit The Exhibits
10:00 am
Browses in Action MATT SCHWAB John B. Sanfilippo & Sons Tired of looking at multiple screens to find information? Are you just used to going to one screen to get a piece of data that you need to use on another screen to find what you really need? Let browses help save you time. This session will walk through the process of creating a simple browse to show data across multiple screens. How to find the source fields and put them in one screen to reduce the time it takes to find what you are looking for. Applicable QAD Version(s): SE / EE |
Planning: Precision in Practice OLENA STEPOVYK - 32 Soft Inc. AARON KRAINTZ - Wells Vehicle Electronics Wells Vehicle Electronics keeps some of its component inventory in an off-site warehouse. While building their production plans, they were faced with the hurdle of incorporating off-site component inventory into their production planning calculations and were experiencing “fake” component shortages. They looked to 32 Soft’s Production Planner for help. In this presentation, Aaron will outline how Wells leveraged the software to overcome this obstacle, and Olena will give a short demonstration of the Production Planner solution. Applicable QAD Version(s): Any |
QAD EQMS Product Roadmap BRIAN BROOKS - QAD, Inc. In this session, Brian Brooks, QAD EQMS Product Manager will give a brief introduction to QAD EQMS capabilities to help level-set novice or interested parties interested in learning more and then he will discuss his vision and current future of the QAD EQMS investments. The later portion of this session will be interactive to allow audience members to share their challenges and provide feedback on the roadmap. If you are interested in improving your QMS or learning about where QAD is headed in this space, this is a must-see session. Applicable QAD Version(s): SE+ |
How Warehouse Management Integrated With Yard Management Can Improve Your Bottom Line JUSTIN LEHMANN - Royal 4 Systems We will explain the benefits of streamlining your operations for Sequencing/JIT, Compliance with Food Safety Laws, Catch Weights, and Lot/Serial Control working in conjunction with Electronic Dock Scheduling, Dynamic Dock Assignments, Automated Gate Check-In/Check-Out and Support of Multiple Yards. Applicable QAD Version(s): Any |
11:00 am
Break / Visit The Exhibits
11:15 am
Transforming Material Handling: Mobilizing QAD Automation Solutions for Enhanced Productivity JUSTIN ALFANO | TEVIN JONES Teijin Automotive LONIE ERLICH Strategic Information Group QAD Automation Solutions revolutionizes material handling from receipt of purchased goods, through production and the shipment of finished products. Discover firsthand how integrating the use of mobile devices and QAD Automation Solutions can empower your workforce, streamline operations, and enhance overall productivity. Join us as we go mobile and demonstrate Automation Solutions live. Applicable QAD Version(s): EE |
Closing Luncheon / Conference Wrap-Up / Prize Drawings